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The Center can always use volunteers to serve our lunch meals or to man the front desk.  Contact Sue Beaver at 503-556-3889 or drop by and pick up an application.  The Center is open from 9.30 to 2pm.

Community Project for the RGC at the senior center.
Home Delivered Meals

There are also opportunities for volunteers to deliver meals to people around Rainier.  Also, Receptionist and Servers are needed.  There are applications to fill out to apply to do deliveries and are available at the Center.  Call 503-556-3889 for more information.
Sponsors That Support Our Center
Canterbury Inn and Park
City of Rainier
Columbia Food Bank
Cornerstone Cafe, Rainier
Cornerstone Cafe, LV
Country Financial
Deer Island Grange Deli & Mart
Dog Zone
Dutch Bros
Eagles Rainier
Eminence Hair Salon
El Tapatio
Flowers & Fluff
Fred Meyer
Grocery Outlet
Kaiser Permanente
Kirby's Fish & Chips
Means Nursery
MeeMaw's Attic
Miracle Ear
Nye's Tree Farm
Ol' Pastime Tavern
Pie Trio's
Rainier True Value
Red Lobster
Rainier Oregon Historical Museum
Sound Authority
Sugar Pearl
Tsugawa Garden & Wellness
United Way

The center is accepting returnable cans and bottles to earn money through BottleDrop.  A box is out front of the center for your convenience. All funds collected go to our nutrition program, which includes MoW.  


Fred Meyer.  You can no longer call to sign up. You must use their website: rewards.  Our account number is AH614.


Amazon Smiles

Amazon Smile:  You do not need to be a member of Amazon Smile but can start your order with and Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price eligible to our senior center.  Be sure and sign up your charity as Rainier Senior Citizens, Inc.